Build Muscle, Lose Fat, and Transform Your Life Effortlessly.

About Me

Ditch the excuses, aches, and pains and feel like an athlete again!

While still enjoying a couple of drinks and pizzas with your friends.
Get out of pain and back in the game. Working with busy professionals with families and tons of deadlines to catch.
As a Health and Performance Coach, spending over a decade with high achievers.

I am all about helping people like you, who can sometimes also feel lost and have goals but have to juggle multiple balls simultaneously

coach memduh

Individualized Personal Training

With Individualized Personal Training, you get a workout program tailored to you at an affordable price—world-class expertise at your fingertips.

And the convenience and capability of taking control of your fitness, and succeeding at building a long-term habit that yields real results. 

With Memduh on your side, you can sort through the momentary fitness fads and trendy online creations and pick out the science that really works.
Access to so much information that is so easily published and reachable can be a bad thing when it comes to information about health and fitness on the internet today.

It‘s definitely hard to tell what is real. A personal trainer can blur out the background and help the really important information stand out that is customized to your fitness journey. Wouldn‘t you want to put your health in the hands of a professional?

Online Training

In-Person Training

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