First… Pull Than Go Under!!

What does this have to do with barbell lifts, right?

Let’s think this way… there are 5 phases in Olympic Lifting:

-1st Pull from floor to just above the knee

-Transition (from the knee to the hips)

-2nd Pull from the hips to overhead (snatch) or your shoulders (clean)

-Catch this where you meet with barbell shoulders or overhead

-Recovery standing up basically finishing the clean or snatch

So as you can see there are steps that you have to follow and as you can imagine you have to do them one step at a time, the other way around!!

Weird right!!….

Each phase aims to create speed on the bar so eventually, you can catch the bar up over your head or on your shoulders. This in turn helps prevent injuries while lifting heavy (this is a relative term and different for everybody, I am pretty sure my proud “max” is somebody’s warm-up weight).

I’ve seen plenty of people lifting.

Mostly moderate athletes, weekend warriors, and CrossFitters. Everybody is excited to lift heavy, but is it as simple as it sounds?

It is not necessarily about the brute force in Olympic lifting;

But it is about how you apply that brute force of yours to the bar to move it fast!!

Of course, you have to be strong ( degree of force is crucial 🙂 ) to move heavy weights. Angles creating tension in the body and sequencing are more important in Olympic lifting. In my opinion, it’s important that whatever you wanna do in life – walking, sitting- you need to be coordinated but let’s save that topic for another day.

In the weight lifting world, there is a saying

“How you do with an empty barbell, you do the same with a 100- kilo barbell”.

So my suggestion to all barbell lovers out there, before getting hyped up and loading up the plates, learn the fundamentals first, then focus on the process. Take your time, be sure you recover well after your workouts (your CNS will be tired after the workouts more than your muscles, and this might another topic ).

Do not rush the movements, be precise, and stay tight….

And First… PULL then Go under!!!

Keep Moving!!!

Coach M.

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